
Dodging The Rain is updated monthly with new content and open year-round for submissions. Before submitting, please read our About page, our Duotrope interview, and at least some of the poetry we’ve published in recent months.

We welcome all genres of poetry; reject any promotion of intolerance, hatred or fear. Contributors maintain ownership of and the right to republish their content. We are unable to offer payment.

We also accept published material, once contributors own the rights, and simultaneous submissions, although we appreciate having the time to give each submission due consideration. When submitting, please inform us if your work has been published. If you do submit some published work, a mix of published and unpublished work is one we prefer.

We don’t read submissions that fail to follow these guidelines:

1. Submit up to 10 poems per submission* as one Word attachment
2. In the submission document or email, include a brief third-person bio re. you and your work
3. Submit by email:

*Submitting multiple poems increases your chances of publication. However, because we favour multi-text posts, we prefer submissions to remain available to us — in full — unless work is accepted elsewhere.

Just beginning to submit your work? Read our advice here.